Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I watched an interesting video clip on Wimp.com this morning:  http://www.wimp.com/livescontainer/  It amazed me how this young woman has already figured out things that have taken me far longer to understand.  Like accumulating "things" should not be a goal in our lives.  She points out that none of us real own anything.  We just have custody of them temporarily while we're here on earth.  Everything eventually gets handed over to some one else.  It's taken me a long time to realize that I'm sick of "things".  In fact, in my quest to get "lean" this year, I plan to continue weeding down my possession.  Anyway, back to the title of this post: Control.  After viewing this video I started feeling bad about some of the decisions I've made throughout my life.  But then realized how futile this is.  There's no going back.  There's often no do-overs in life.  So starting now I'm going to work on looking forward, controlling what I can in my life, and not feeling bad about the past.  Wish me luck!

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